April 30, 2020
Dear Beloved GW Midwifery Client,
I am writing to let you know that after 10 years at GW Midwifery, and a 3-year leadership transition, I am leaving The GW MFA effective April 30, 2020. I am so proud of what we have built together at GW, and I am leaving the practice in the best of hands. Moving forward, you can expect to receive the same outstanding care that GW Midwifery and our OB/GYN Collaborative Care Team are known to provide.
Founding the WISDOM Pilot for Normal Birth and Cesarean Prevention and GW Midwifery have been my highest honors in life. I am not retiring. Rather, I am taking a Sabbatical Year for Personal, Professional, and Service Growth. I plan to continue to serve the broader DC and national midwifery communities, work on the election, and celebrate many family milestones. My life’s work has been to advocate for, and expand access to, evidence-based, innovative, midwifery-led care through a lens of health justice and equity, and on that I will always persist. There is more work to be done on behalf of our most vulnerable and underserved populations.
Who could have ever imagined this time of COVID-19? We had planned a GW Midwifery Community Celebration this spring, but we will have to wait. Once this has passed, we will gather together to celebrate the 10 Year Anniversary of GW Midwifery! Please watch our website https://www.gwdocs.com/specialties/midwifery-services/ and FaceBook page for details.
I am so proud to have been a part of establishing GW Midwifery and the amazing collaborative legacy that the GW Department of Ob/Gyn embodies. The GW Midwives will continue to thrive and expand upon the exceptional GW Model of Collaborative Care and the Midwifery Division and the entire Ob/Gyn Department will be moving in new and exciting directions.
My heart will forever remain with yours.